Saturday, May 28, 2011

Our "39th" Wedding Anniversary......

Had a wonderful evening at the Idlewile Inn in St. Cloud last night. Jeff's parents treated us all for our anniversary and Jeff's Birthday & Mark's Birthday. Mark's birthday was in April and Jeff's is this Monday. The 2 boys are 10 months apart! I am the one in the lime green sweater with ladybugs and Jeff is in the red shirt. We had an awesome meal and a lot of wonderful conversation. It was so nice to all get together. Katie is home from college, so she joined us also, such a nice young lady.

Reflecting on the past 39 years........everything that has happened, has happened for a reason.......we have 3 beautiful children, who are all married and we have 4 beautiful grand-children. What more could we ask?
Love & Blessings,
Janet & Jeff

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