Friday, June 3, 2011

Eye surgery today...... eye down, one to go!  Everything went perfect.  About a 2 hour prep for a 20 minute surgery!  Doctor removed the cataract in 3 pieces, then did the astigmatism surgery, then inserted the multi-focal lens.  Woo-hoo!  Went for a recheck this afternoon for the pressure (which was perfect) and a visual test.  Because my eye is still so dilated, the nurse didn't think I would be able to do so good.  Well...I DID do well...the eye is already 20/25.  Next week Thursday I have the other eye done and I am excited!!
Had a stress test done yesterday along with a Myocardial Perfusion Scan, which is a test that uses a radioactive drug to produce images of the heart muscle.  This test diagnoses coronary artery disease.  I had it once before the stress test and once after the stress test.  I was in Nuclear Med for over 3 hours! Okay, this is funny....the doctor just called and the tests showed within the normal range.  Ya-hoo!  Of course, he did say that if I have ANY chest pain etc. to get right in as I still do have the left branch bundle blockage. Lovely?????? is good....!   ....and tomorrow, I scrapbook!

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